Mafia MoFo Guide

Player Menu

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New York - Level 10
Detroit - Level 100
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Player Menu

Crime Jobs - Earn cash and experience by committing crimes. When performing a job, there are three possible results: success, fail, or fail and go to jail. The greater your speed, the more likely you are to be successful.

Inventory - You will find your weapons, armor, and any other items you have collected here. One item for Strength & Defense are able to be equipped for both the main equipment and backup equipment. However, only one item is able to be equipped for Speed at a time.

Bank - Store your money in the bank to protect it during fights and against mugging. The cost to open a bank account is $2,500. You will receive 1% interest each day on cash stored in the bank. If you have RM status, you'll receive 2% interest. Interest is deposited directly into your bank account during rollover.

Gym - The gym allows you to train your stats. When you train, you have a choice of using all or some of your energy. Training requires Awake. Without Awake, you will gain NO attributes by training, and higher Awake values produce better results when training.

Hitlist - The hitlist displays players that are marked for death. You can take out players on the hitlist to earn cash and experience. You may not claim anyone you mark for death. You also can not claim any of your gang members.
Hospital - Players go to the hospital for protection and healing time after loosing a fight or being taken out from the hitlist. You stay here for 3 hours if you're offline or until you are healed. If you are online, you will remain in the hospital for 15 minutes or until you click the "Leave Hospital" button in the center of the page. While here, you are protected from attacks.
Jail - Players are often sent to jail for 5 minutes when a crime job has failed. You can be bailed out of jail by another member that has more than 10 nerve and has $10,000 out of the bank. (You gain experience points breaking members out of jail, which also go to your gang's experience points).
Mailbox - The mailbox displays messages sent to you by other players. Check it out when you see a number highlighted in [green] to the right (which represents the number of messages you have received).

Events - The events section presents a lot of useful information. Check it out when you see a number to the right highlighted in [green] to the right (which represents the number events that have occurred).

Your Gang - This section provides details on your current gang.

The MoFo Times - Players can post ads about buying or selling items or any other desired information in the MoFo Times. The cost of a post is $5 per letter, character or space.

This website is not endorsed, approved, created, or maintained by, 'PJ droopy pants' or any person directly related to the game itself. All information given to the site by the players is strictly voluntary and is in no way an indication of their support of the site. Players are welcome and encouraged to participate in the growing of this site. Thank you for visiting the site, and please, send other players of For more information on Mafia MoFo please visit: Parts of this website are © 2008