Mafia MoFo Guide

Training & Weapons

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Training & Weapons
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New Jersey - Newb
New York - Level 10
Detroit - Level 100
Sicily - Level 500
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Train ONLY when your AWAKE is FULL.

Do NOT worry about your Energy being full at the time.

Strength - for attacking other mobsters, you know you want to! 
Steroids - Increase your Strength by 25% for 15 minutes.

Defense - for defending yourself in fights against mobsters.  
PCP - Increase your Defense by 25% for 15 minutes.

Speed - If greater than an adversary, you'll have the first hit in a fight. Knock 'em down quick! Handy for mugging and crime jobs too!  
Cocaine - Increase your Speed by 30% for 15 minutes. Visit a Shady Stranger for the hook up (RM days required).

TRAIN defense then strength. Speed is not very important until you can consistantly kick other MoFo's asses. Your strength & defense should be at least 100x your level.

Don't level too fast.

Try to stay under level 100 for as long as you can. A majority of the active players are level 200 and above. Since you can not attack anyone more than 100 levels below you, if you stay at level 100 for as long as you can while you train, you have less of a chance being defeated by those who CAN attack you!

Point weapons & armor are a MUST. You need a point weapon & armor as soon as you can get them... but they'll do you little good if you neglect your training.

Enroll in classes at the Academy as soon as you get to New York. These classes cost money, but you will gain Strength, Defense & Speed after training is done. Make sure to go back in a few days & click Graduate or the classes do no good.

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