Mafia MoFo Guide

Points and Offers

Player Menu
Status Bars
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New Jersey - Newb
New York - Level 10
Detroit - Level 100
Sicily - Level 500
Points and Offers
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One very important tip - stock up on points. You can get points either by referring players, buying them, daily award, searching downtown, or doing surveys. You can spend your points to refill your energy and nerve buy clicking on the link above the status bars. Points can also be sold to other players on the black market or used to get special items in the MMF Point Shop. The options for getting points are located at the very top of the page.

Do NOT sell your points. They will be too useful to you later in the game. DO NOT get hookers... waste of points.

Offers for points

The only reason to do an offer is to get points. Many people have great advice about how to do these offers and succeed in obtaining the points - WITHOUT getting banned from doing any other offers. A few are as follows:

1st Tip - Make sure you clean out your cookies and temp files after each survey.
2nd Tip - Make sure you check your spam folders for confirmations.
3rd Tip -
4th Tip -

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